errr.... bad idea to camp in the wild. To many pokemon. I just pulled out my pokeball
and realeased Charmander. "Charrr.... CHARR!"
said Charmander. Boy is he a funny one.
He's even able to crack up a smile on me!
Me and Charmander went out for a walk
but after that we came up to a Clefable.
She was a cute one but not cuter than Charmander. Well any pokemon would
attack.... But Clefable didn't. She stood there
and smiled. I decided to keep her. We all would go and play. Sometimes we would play with a ball. Sometimes with each other.
A rainy storm was coming. I decided since it
was raining I would release all of my pokemon
tomorrow. But I would keep Clefable and Charmander. After a
while the storm was over. I gave my pokemon the right home
they needed. Now Charmander, Clefable, and me could spend time with
each other!
Hello! I'm Sami Malik's niece. Having
him as an uncle is fun!
After all he did help me wit dis site!